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A  B I T  A B O U T  M E.

Hello hello! and a big welcome to my blog. I'm Elizabeth (people call me Tiz), I am twenty-two years old which apparently makes me an adult now - eek! So with all the fun that title brings, I figured why not write about it? This blog has no schedule and no deadlines - however many years of education has ensured that wont be something I put on myself voluntarily. So for now, it is purely a side note to life. 

So here it is, a blog about being in your twenties, facing the real world and all that comes with it. I'll probably throw in a few other things like recipe's, reviews, random ponderings, so theres that to expect aswell. 


Thank you for reading and I hope you like it! 








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Please note - I do not own all of the images in use on this blog - merely find them online and use them to accentuate the writing which is all original. 

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Enjoy Being First!

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